COMCAST XR11 USER MANUAL Pdf Download (2024)

Enjoy your

It's simple to program your XFINITY Remote to control your

TV and Audio Video Receiver.


right away!

Your XFINITY Remote is already programmed to

control your set-top box. To program the remote

Program your remote to

for control of Power, Volume, Mute and TV

Input on your TV or Power, Volume, and Mute

get started.

on your audio video receiver (AVR), including a

soundbar, follow the steps below.

Note: A soundbar is a type of AVR.

Here's how to program your

remote for control of a TV or TV

and AVR:

1. Remove the battery pull tab from the remote

control battery compartment and make sure

your TV, AVR and set-top box are powered


2. Refer to the "Setup Codes for TVs" and "Set-

up Codes for AVRs" sections on the back of

this guide to find the manufacturers of your

TV and AVR.

3. Press and hold the Setup button on your

remote until the status LED changes from red

to green.

4. Enter the first code listed for the TV manufac-

turer. The status LED should flash green

twice when the code is entered.

5. Press the TV Power button on the remote.

If the TV turns off, you have successfully

programmed your remote. Turn the TV back

on and press the VOL +/- and Mute buttons

to confirm they control the volume of your



Remote Control

6. If the TV (or AVR) does not turn off or the


VOL +/- and Mute buttons do not work,

repeat the steps above using the next code

listed for your TV manufacturer.

¡Disfruta de


ahora mismo!

Programa tu control

remoto para comenzar.



para el control remoto

If you only want to program your remote for TV

4. Enter the first code listed for the AVR manu-

control, you're all set!

facturer. The status LED should flash green

twice when the code is entered.

Continue with the following steps to program

your remote for AVR control.

5. Press the TV Power button on the remote.

If the AVR turns off, you have successfully

Note: To program your remote for simultaneous

programmed your remote. Turn the AVR back

control of both a TV and AVR, the TV must be

on and press the VOL +/- and Mute buttons

programmed before the AVR.

to confirm they control the volume of your

7. Press and hold the Setup button on your

device. If so, you're all set!

remote until the status LED changes from red

6. If the AVR does not turn off or the VOL +/-

to green.

and Mute buttons do not work, repeat the

8. Enter the first code listed for the AVR manu-

steps above using next code listed for the

facturer. The status LED should flash green

device manufacturer. You may need to try

twice when the code is entered.

several codes to find the one that works for

9. Press the All Power button on the remote.

your device.

If the AVR turns off, you have successfully


programmed your remote. Turn the AVR back

on and press the VOL +/- and Mute buttons

If you can't program your remote for TV and/

to confirm they control the volume of your

or AVR control using the codes on the back of

device. If so, you're all set!

this guide, follow the steps below to search for

10. If the AVR does not turn off or the VOL +/-

your code.

and Mute buttons do not work, repeat the

1. Turn on your TV and AVR.

steps above using the next code listed for

2. Press and hold the Setup button on your

your AVR manufacturer.

remote until the status LED changes from red

to green.

Here's how to program your

3. To search for a TV code, enter 9-9-1 on the

remote for only AVR control:

remote. To search for an AVR code, enter

9-9-2. The status LED should flash green

1. Remove the battery pull tab from the remote


control battery compartment and make sure

4. Press the CH ^ button repeatedly to search

your AVR and set-top box are powered on.

through the manufacturer codes until the

2. Find the manufacturer of your AVR on the

device you are programming turns off.

back of this guide.

5. After the device turns off, press Setup. The

3. Press and hold the Setup button on your

status LED on your remote should flash

green twice. Press the TV Power button on

remote until the status LED changes from red

the remote. If the device turns on, your have

to green

successfully programmed your remote.


Here's what your remote can do.

Esto es lo que tu control remoto puede hacer.



: Q Why does the status LED flash red then

green while I am entering the code on my

TV Power: Turns your TV on/off.


All Power: One button to turn the TV,

A: A You may have entered an incorrect code.

AVR and set-top box on/off.

Check the code and try re-entering it.

: Q Why does the status LED flash red, but

Vol +/–: Turns the volume up and down

there is no response when I press a key?

on the set-top box. After your remote is

programmed for TV and/or AVR control,

A: A Make sure the remote is aimed at your TV

these keys control the TV or AVR's

or AVR and is no farther than 15 feet away.


Also, make sure your set-top box is powered

on and in plain sight.

CH ^/∨A: Selects the next higher or next

lower channel.

Helpful Tip: Additional remote control program-

Mute: Turns the sound on and off.

ming support, including code lookup tool and

frequently asked questions, can be found at

Replay: Jumps back 15 seconds.

Note: Some features above require

programming the remote for control of a

Additional Feature: Aim Anywhere Control

TV and/or AVR.

See the back of this user guide to learn how

to pair your remote and set-top box* for Aim

Anywhere control, allowing you to control your

devices even when they are placed behind your

Video Controls: Controls On Demand

TV or in another room (up to 50 feet away).

or DVR viewing, Play/Pause, Fast-For-

*Aim Anywhere control is not supported by all

ward, and Rewind.

set-top boxes.

Exit: Exits guide screens and returns you

to TV viewing.

Search: Search for content by channel,

program or key words.

Rec: Records content currently being


XFINITY/Menu: Enters the XFINITY

menu for access to the guide, Saved

programs, On Demand and Apps.

Guide: Shortcut to TV listings.

OK: Selects the highlighted item within

the guide.

Last: When viewing content, enters the

Recent menu to select from the 9 most

recently viewed programs or, when in

the XFINITY menu, returns you to previ-

ous guide screen.

Info: Provides a program description.

A, B, C, D: Context-sensitive control


Keypad (0-9): Alphanumeric keys to

select content by channel number or


Setup: Used for programming your

remote to control your TV, AVR, and

set-top box.

TV Input: Changes to the next available

input on your TV.

Note: Some features above require

programming your remote for control of

your TV.

FCC Compliance Statement

This equipment has been tested and found

to comply with the limits for a Class B dig-

ital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC

rules. These limits are designed to provide

reasonable protection against harmful in-

terference in a residential installation. This

equipment generates, uses, and can radiate

radio frequency energy and, if not used in

Power: Enciende/apaga tu televisor.

accordance with the instructions, may cause

harmful interference to radio communications.

All Power: Un sólo botón para encender/

apagar tu televisor y tu caja decodifica-

There is no guarantee that interference will


not occur in a particular installation. If this

equipment does cause harmful interference

Vol +/–: Sube y baja el volumen de tu caja

to radio or television reception, the user is


encouraged to try to correct the interference

by one or more of the following measuresA:

CH ^/∨: Selecciona el siguiente canal

hacia arriba o hacia abajo.

Reorient or relocate the receiving anten-

Mute: Enciende y apaga el sonido.


Increase or decrease the separation be-


tween the equipment and receiver.

Connect the equipment into an outlet on


a circuit different from that which the re-

ceiver is connected.

Consult the dealer or an experienced re-

mote control/TV technician for help.

It is strongly recommended that the TV

be plugged into a separate wall outlet.

Video Controls: Controlan la visual-

The user is cautioned that changes and mod-

ización de On Demand o DVR, Play

ifications made to the equipment without the

(reproducir)/Pause (pausa), Fast-For-

approval of the manufacturer could void the

ward (avanzar rápidamente), y Rewind

user's authority to operate this equipment.

(retroceder rápidamente).

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC

Exit: Te saca de las pantallas de la guía y

rules. Operation is subject to the following

te regresa a ver la televisión.

two conditionsA: (1) This device may not cause

harmful interference, and (2) this device must


accept any interference received, including in-

terference that may cause undesired operation.

Rec: Graba el contenido que se está

viendo en ese momento.

"CAUTION" A: Exposure to Radio Frequen-

cy Radiation. Antenna shall be mounted in

Nota: Algunas funciones mencionadas

such a manner to minimize the potential for

anteriormente requieren de una caja

human contact during normal operation. The

decodificadora de DVR o acceso a la

antenna should not be contacted during op-

programación On Demand.

eration to avoid the possibility of exceed-

ing the FCC radio frequency exposure limit.

XFINITY/MenuA: Ingresa a los menús de

la guía en pantalla

Guide: Atajo a los listados de televisión.

OK: Selecciona el artículo resaltado

dentro de la guía.

Last: Te regresa al canal o a la pantalla de

la guía anterior.

Info: Proporciona la descripción de un


A, B, C, D: Teclas de control que fun-

cionan de acuerdo al contexto y que se

utilizan en configuraciones avanzadas.

Nota: Algunas de las funciones arriba

mencionadas requieren de una guía de

programación no disponible con todos los


Teclado numérico (0-9): Selecciona el

canal que deseas ver (ej., 0-9 ó 0-2-6).

Setup: Programa tu control remoto

para que funcione con tu televisor, caja

decodificadora o DTA.

TV Input:


COMCAST XR11 USER MANUAL Pdf Download (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.